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Ultima > IX Ascension > Atlas > Region Details > Earth


Ok, starting out at home does not follow from the end of Ultima VIII were you go directly from the Etherial Void Hall to a Guardian-held Britannia. But the powers that be decided this sequence of events is "What Actually Happens." I am of the school of thought that would rather have simply had a continuous set of events based on what was already written. After all, isn't that the idea of a serial adventure. But for the reasoning of familiarizing the player with the interface it was an adequate beginning.

Not much can effectively be done here that is worthwhile to the solving of the game since you lose (almost) everything you pick up going through the moongate to Britannia. You are to prepare yourself and gather some key items. At the least, you need to grab: the tool-belt, the backpack, your journal and the compass. I'm not sure you can leave without them, but if you could, it might be unnecessarily difficult. Besides these items (and maybe one or two others), all you end up with when you arrive in Britannia is a simple avatar suit of body (chest), arms, gloves, legs and boots.

Even if you cheat there are two things you cannot take with you into the rest of the game, coin and arrow. As soon as placed on your person in any matter, these things are erased from reality and placed into a virtual count in your backpack. The arrows cast off a bow disappear soon after use and the coin in your purse might as well be a debit line. So those thinking the cheat lets them take it all with them are wrong on these two counts.

There are however several easter eggs and the cheat area here for exploration.

Stonegate Tower and valley

      book:183 Reading Books
    [bathroom] book:234 Equipping
    upstairs hall
        book:182 Earth Quest

      (3) sign:184
      computer desk
        book:184 Keymap
        key:gold key [to front gate]
      [chest] map:Earth Home & Park
        book:014 Eulogy for Sir Ricardo
        book:338 Ocean Travel without a Boat
        book:067 Wizard of Oz
        book:054 Stranger in a Strange Land
       book:337 Cant Take (items)
        book:255 Poison and Its Effects

    living room
      book:016 Hubert

      [east cabinet] (2) drnk:bottle of whiskey
      drnk:wine bottle

      (2) food:orange
      tool:first aid kit
(infinite heal charges, a useful cheat tool)
      Mr Breadmaker
      food:brown egg

        [top] tool:rat poison (Dropping rat poison on the bread-maker and using the bread-maker makes food:poison bread (note the green cloud on its creation). If picked up, it remains in the inventory through the transdimensional moongate. There is a pantry in the southeast Castle Britannia tower. Replace the bread on the plate at the table there with the poisoned one you brought. Lord Britsh will soon arrive, eat of it and die. Ta da.)
          drnk:bottle of whiskey
          food:bowl of carrots
          drnk:wine bottle
        freezer (If the door is repeatedly opened and closed, the (10)th time its opened the freezer will contain a gory scene ... a ribcage/spine, a severed head and some bloody mess. This disappears when the door closed but can be repeated. Hmm...)
          food:rack of lamb
          food:roast fowl
    [in stone next to training dummy] weap:2H:two handed sword
    near west wall of house
      (50) weap:ammo:arrow
    [south box north of house] (15) coin
    telescope (gypsy wagon; waterfall)
  cheat zone (It is difficult but impossible to climb onto the ankh and/or dummy and jump over the fence in the back yard. Alternately one can use the keymap no_clipping (fly) cheat)
    [hidden in grasses on west side of tree on north side of the road leading out of the west gate] lever (reveal the invisible teleporters)
    (1 through 5 are nearest the gate, numbered clockwise from the north and west most one; they clothe you in different suits of armour)
    [01] teleporter (magic arms; helm of light, troll chest, arms of the magi, gauntlets of fury, leggings of the sentri, swamp boots)
    [02] teleporter (pirate garb)
    [03] teleporter (blackrock arms)
    [04] teleporter (bone armour)
    [05] teleporter (wyrmguard suit)
    (some of the following don't go anywhere and some go to a position labeled 'teleport home,' telepost home is a spot in between the above armour teleporters and teleporters 13 and 21)
    (6 through 13 are those along the north side of the street, numbered from west to east)
    [06] teleporter (teleport home)
    [07] teleporter (dungeon Despise)
    [08] teleporter (teleport home)
    [09] teleporter (teleport home)
    [10] teleporter (doesn't work)
    [11] teleporter (teleport home)
    [12] teleporter (teleport home)
    [13] teleporter (teleport home)
    (14 through 21 are those along the south side of the street, numbered from west to east)
    [14] teleporter (doesn't work)
    [15] teleporter (Castle Britannia grounds)
    [16] teleporter (Valoria dock)
    [17] teleporter (doesn't work)
    [18] teleporter (Minoc dock)
    [19] teleporter (Trinsic dock)
    [20] teleporter (Skara Brae dock)
    [21] teleporter (North Magincia Isle)
    (22 through 25 are those farthest from the gate, numbered from north to south)
    [22] teleporter (Transdimensional Moongate)
    [23] teleporter (Terfin dungeon secret entrance)
    [24] teleporter (Buccaneer's Den docks)
    [25] teleporter (Ambrosia, east of the Winged Headquarters)
    (2) wolf
    giant rat
    [gypsy tent] drnk:bottle of whisky
    gypsy wagon
      drnk:bottle of whisky
      book:019 Ethical Hedonism
      crystal (pan out from wagon, pivot, pan in on moongate stones)
        (56) coin
        (13) weap:ammo:arrow
        (2) drnk:wine bottle
        giant rat
        [chest] potn:red
        (2) weap:ammo:arrow
    waterfall cave
      (15) weap:ammo:arrow

Stonegate Tower and valley

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